Tuesday, March 10, 2009

P3 Day #14: Aaaand She's Back!

I'd like to insincerely apologize for my hiatus over the weekend. Apologize because part of me hopes that SOMEONE reads this enough that they actually missed me, and insincerely because I'm not really all that sorry. I was really busy this weekend and blogging is not exactly on the top of my list when I am otherwise occupied by FUN. What of it??!! WHAT?!

So my best friend from high school, K, was in town over the weekend! She came on Thursday night and stayed until Sunday afternoon. Over that period of time (besides doing really fun things) I... drank loads of wine, vodka diet cokes, beer, salty cashews, a few handfuls of Cheese-Its, some white cheddar popcorn, margaritas, more wine, and ate mexican food twice (yes, tortillas, rice, beans, etc)... and I am still only .5lbs above my LIW. How. HOW!?!?! HOOOOOWWW?!!? I mean, I like it and all, it just seems... magical? I guess it is probably my running that is helping me out. I mean, to give myself a bit of credit, I didn't go hog-wild or anything, I made pretty good choices considering (i.e. vodka diet cokes instead of long islands, cashews instead of chips, only half of my MASSIVE burrito at the mexican place - but two margaritas so I guess that cancels that out...). And yesterday I ate Thai food (yellow curry with some *gasp* white rice) and two little chocolate truffles (remember the ones I was given for Valentines day by one of our execs? There were 4 in the lil' box, and I cut each in half to be sure they were flavors I liked - two of them weren't, so I tossed them :D), and lost .5lbs today! I feel blessed. 

Oh gods of weight maintenance, I thank you for your mercy. I cannot say I shall never do it again because really I didn't do too bad. I just ate worse than I thought I could and still I am ok. PRAISE THE HEAVENS!

Also, during the week I am being really strict. I am sure that contributes to my success as well. I'm totally diggin' this P3 thing. Maintaining seems to be easy for me, if I monitor my weight. And everyone says it's the hardest part. Ppssshhhh.

Well, this Saturday is my first load day of the second half of my P2. I'm glad I took this break. I can't tell you how my weight loss is going to be on P2, but I'll bet it will be better than had I continued on one long round rather than having the break! I am excited to lose a bit more weight. I want to fit into those old pants I have hanging in my closet. Wanna know a secret? I never wore them. I got them in college, when I didn't really wear nice black pinstriped pants. Then after a while, I fatted out of them. Why yes, yes I did just make up a new verb. There are also some skirts in there that I can almost wear and be decent again - haha :] I'll fit into those for sure :]

So load days on Saturday and Sunday coming up - I'm not going to go too crazy, but have a few things that I love *coughindianfoodcough*, to prepare for another 3 weeks of 500 calories a day. 

Yesterday's exercise:
Ran 3 miles, outside, to the gym and back. Note: running outside is decidedly harder than running on a treadmill.
Walked ~1mi with S and the puppies

Yesterday on my plate was:
Small apple - 65
1/2 grapefruit + Splenda - 45
Chicken sausage - 160
2 truffles - 150
1.2 grapefruit + Splenda - 45
Chicken Sausage - 160
Some Peanut Butter - 90
Pork rinds + sour cream - 200
Yellow curry with rice - 800
Total Calories - 1715

Weight tracking:
0lbs today
-9.5 change overall
+.5 over LIW


1 comment:

  1. Hey M -
    I totally missed your blog! It's freaking hysterical and keeps me motivated because you are so damn positive. :) I had a terrible weekend food-wise (ate a LOT worse than you) and gained 2 pounds, but I'm not sorry myself either. Sometimes you need a break, and high-school-friend-weekends are worth it! Keep up the AWESOME work!
