Wednesday, March 11, 2009

P3 Day #15: Second Verse, Same As The First

I really don't have anything noteworthy to say about yesterday! Since I was .5 above me LIW (I know, not a problem, but still I'm much comfortable below rather than above) I was really good. I still ate about 1600 calories but they were all good things. Besides the lemonade :]

Well it paid off because I lost a pound, putting me .5lbs below my LIW. Wooooo! This is all too easy. Ridiculously easy even. LAUGHABLY easy. Has it always been this easy and I was just naive? Probably. Perhaps the fact that I have been avoiding scales for the past 6 years of my life because that was the trigger that made me stop eating completely, contributed to that. But I feel that I have gotten over the daily fluctuations, at least enough to prevent myself from obsessing over the numbers or weighing myself 10x per day. Oh and I enjoy eating food too. That helps. Yay health!

Did I tell you that S and I have been running outside in the mornings? We have this master plan... our gym (our brand shiny new gym that is) is 1.5 miles away. So we get up early, run 1.5 miles to the gym. Work out (consisting of heavy weights) and then run the 1.5 miles back. Pretty good work out huh?? 

So far I have just been running there and back. S stays and does the weights. Since I start my next P2 in 3 days where I am a bit too fatigued to do any sort of good with weights, I'm liking my just running routine for now. When I transition into my next P3 I will add the weights part back in. I really love working out with weights and miss it, but this is what I have decided to do.

Running outside, is decidedly harder than running inside. Running never made me sore on the treadmill, but I am definitely feeling it now! Which means better workout. Oh yeeaaaahhhh :]

Did I mention that I just ate a piece of chocolate cake? Wait where did that come from!? Hahah but really. I don't feel bad about it. The best time to eat sugar is in the mornings. It's 9:30! You use it as energy instead of storing it that way.

My justification is that I planned on having a bagel this morning. After my run, I just had a spoonful of peanut butter and a deviled egg, to tide me over until I got to work. The reason being, is that we had an early meeting this morning, and they give us Einstein Bro's bagels. I planned on eating a bagel. By the time I got to work, I reduced that to half of a bagel. When I got my half of a bagel and actually had a bite, I had a revelation. It wasn't that good. I didn't want it! I had about 3 little bites and tossed it. I was so proud. So instead, I allowed myself to have a small piece of cake, of which I ate the frosting and surrounding parts (that's my favorite part) and tossed the rest. And I don't feel bad in the least because I had an awesome workout and totally denied the bagel I was going to eat. THIS is how you're supposed to live, people! In moderation, but not denying yourself completely! I can totally do this!

I feel so empowered!

Yesterday's exercise:
Ran 3 miles outside

Yesterday on my plate was:
Scrambled eggs with steak bits, cheese, butter, onion, salsa and deliciousness - 510
Small apple - 65
Caesar salad from Port of Subs - 540
Peanut butter - 180
Grilled chicken - 120
Home made lemonade - 100
Cocoa and Splenda and heavy cream all mixed together - 100
Total calories - 1615

Weight tracking:
-1lb today
-10.5 change overall
-.5lb under LIW


1 comment:

  1. You are a fricken workout DIVA. I don't work out, not even a little and I don't feel bad about it. lol I should, though. My sister is in kinesiology and keeps harping at me. :P But seriously - you rock! It is amazing, once we get our body stabilized and stop feeding it FULL of junk, how easy it is to maintain a healthy weight. Great day!
