Tuesday, March 31, 2009

R2 VLCD Day #16 - Meeeeaaaat....Give Me Meeeeeaaattt!!!

Hi again! Please excuse the blah-ness of my last post... all day yesterday I was soooo exhausted and I couldn't figure out why! I thought maybe I just tossed and turned all night, that maybe one of our dogs crept up onto the bed and was licking my toes. Or S. Who knows. 

So I went home and flung myself around and whined to S and he snuggled me even though he had lots of other things to do because he is amazing. AMAZING I TELL YOU!

Around 8 I thought "I should probably eat something" so I went to the fridge. I opened it up and looked around at my options and thought "Hmmmm... about 100 grams of meat sounds JUST right." Crazy, I know. I musta got a wild hair up my arse or something. So I reached for my delightfully pre-weighed chicken... and hesitated. There was 100g of ground beef just behind that. Did I want THAT instead? Suddenly that sounded JUST like what I needed. I salivated even!

So I cooked that beef up and ate it and you know what? I instantly (where "instantly" means "10 to 20 minutes") felt better. I was anemic! I needed iron! I generally eat beef for one meal a day on this programme of carniverous activity, and I hadn't for maybe 5 days.

ALSO, S discovered that the #1 thing that stops the absorption of iron??!?!? Green tea!!! Um, h-ELL-o! #1 Drinker of the tea of green here! I have 4 cups a day! So I MUST eat red meat, because I am not absorbing iron from my other foods since I inhale green tea like a woman possessed. 

I'm pretty tired again today, but my run was much easier. And I have more ground beef for lunch, so I think I just need to re-stock my reserves. Here we go! Wheeee!

I lost another pound today, wooohooo!!! This piques my curiosity... perhaps the running really DOES excellerate my weight loss. Over the weekend I lost erratically, but the day after I run again, there goes another pound. I guess we shall see as the week progresses...

Yesterday's exercise:
Ran 3 miles outside

Yesterday on my plate was:
1/2 grapefruit with Splenda
100g chicken
1 small apple
Chunk of cucumber
100g of ground beef

Weight tracking:
-1lb today
-6.5lbs this round
-17lbs overall

Turning Sherlock Super-Sleuth,


  1. We will just call you CARNIVORE! HA! Good loss my sweet, very good loss! Interesting about the relationship between green tea and iron, gotta do some research on that one.

  2. I didn't know that about iron and green tea. Thanks for the information. If you were an avid runner before this protocol, I would imagine that your body is used to burning those calories & misses it when you don't do it. I can't wait to start running. I think it will help with my maintenance.
