Tuesday, March 3, 2009

P3 Day #6.5: Jelly Belly Abstinence

That's right. No Jelly Belly sex until marriage. No exceptions, kids. Unsafe Jelly Belly mattress mambo can wind you up in diabetic hell. 

Actually, I am sitting here, listening to my co-worker pour a cupful of Jelly Bellies out of our HUGE (I mean 1-gallon milk jug huge) container of Jelly Belly sugariness sitting conveniently in the next cube over. I have absolutely no desire to join her. 

And not that "I've-just-lost-weight" high that you get where you really do want something but you're not tempted because you look fabulous... I really have no desire. I think that's a good thing. I am suspicious. 

I also heard those oh-so-familiar "Oh, yes, just a few. Always around this time of day I need a little something..." trailing off, justifying yet another day of downing a cupful of bean-shaped death. As if you're trying to explain to the person sitting next to said Jelly Bellies that you really AREN'T chunky because you willingly eat 1000 calories of pure sugar every day, but that you just have this INSATIABLE draw towards glucose at 3:45pm every weekday (and all day on weekends) that you cannot ignore, or you just may spontaneously combust. I'm not talking about this co-worker in particular, but rather ALL people. It's sort of sickening. I never tried to justify it. I take full responsibility for my sugar intake, the only thing to blame it on is my former lack of willpower.

And that's the way it REALLY is, people. 

Momentary Realist,

(Oh - The REAL reason I was writing this post, before I got so distracted by the sugar consumption of my co-workers, is that I decided that I will not eat coco crack [the delicious coconut bark I made] or other EVEN sugar-free sweet things unless I am AT LIW or below. The end.)

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